
Gain insights to help you boost your digital demands.

Our workshops

Explore our interactive workshops in the list below, or contact us to explore how we can tailor a workshop/range of workshops that match the focus and needs of your organisation.

What’s all this about digitalisation?

What’s data, algorithms, AI and ML? Establishing a baseline understanding of digital at work. More info

Intro to algorithmic management systems

What are they? And what effects are they having on workers?

More info

Algorithms and accountability

Learn how to hold management accountable to the digital systems they are deploying.

More info

Collective Bargaining/Policy Preparation

Apply our co-designed tools and guides as you prepare your collective bargaining and/demands. More info

Negotiating workers’ data rights

Map what data is collected, analysed, accessed and offboarded — and negotiate guardrails.

More info

Build your data driven campaign

Data is Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom. Learn how to collect and campaign using worker data responsibly. More info

Responsible union transformation

Reap the benefits of transformation — responsibly. Apply our framework to support your union-wide transformation. More info

“It's been a joy to work with Dr. Colclough as we develop our educational program and strategies … Christina is brilliant, diligent, and really engaging.”

Amanda Ballantyne · Executive Director of the
AFL-CIO Technology Institute

“Christina was essential to the success of our program that prepared 100s of trade unionists from all four continents to engage … with digitalisation at work.”

Daniel Bertossa · General Secretary of Public Services International

“Christina has been an active and valuable member of multiple AI ethics and governance global initiatives, and is a sought-after speaker and consultant.”

Dr Rumman Chowdhury · CEO & co-founder of Humane Intelligence