
Demystify the digitalisation of work and hear all about union actions from across the world.


Get cutting edge perspectives in speeches delivered by the acclaimed Christina J. Colclough.

Why book Christina for speaking

Whether you are looking to kick start your union work on digitalisation, raise awareness amongst your members, or get a critical workers’ perspective on regulatory and digital changes, these speeches will set you off on a solid path.


Dr Christina J. Colclough

Founder of The Why Not Lab

About the speaker

Dr Christina J. Colclough is a fearless optimist who believes that change for good is possible if we put our minds and heart to it. She works with experts and partners across the world to provide the best advice at all times.

Read more about Dr Colclough

“It's been a joy to work with Dr. Colclough as we develop our educational program and strategies … Christina is brilliant, diligent, and really engaging.”

Amanda Ballantyne · Director of the
AFL-CIO Technology Institute

“Christina was essential to the success of our program that prepared 100s of trade unionists from all four continents to engage … with digitalisation at work.”

Daniel Bertossa · General secretary of Public Services International

“Christina has been an active and valuable member of multiple AI ethics and governance global initiatives, and is a sought-after speaker and consultant.”

Dr Rumman Chowdhury · CEO & co-founder of Humane Intelligence

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Please note: We believe in the richness of diversity and equal opportunities. We urge all requestors to diversify their events as much as possible, and will happily recommend excellent folks in our stead.