Episode 6: Norwegian competitiveness and artificial intelligence: Are we tech-naive? (in Norwegian and English)

Episode 6 asks how artificial intelligence will change Norwegian jobs - and the competitiveness of Norwegian businesses? And what will happen to the trust on which the Norwegian model is built if we too quickly and uncritically embrace technology developed in places with different perspectives and values than our own?

In this podcast series by Digital Norway in collaboration with Finansforbundet, Negotia and NITO, four experts including the Why Not Lab’s Christina Colclough discuss Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace. The series started in 2022 and has been updated with 3 new episodes.

With: Heri Ramampiaro, Professor and Head of the Department of Computer Science and Informatics at NTNU, and General Manager of Norwegian Open AI-Lab, Ida Flaatten and Maria Østli, lawyers at FSU-Norway (Finansforbundet).


Episode 5: Algorithmic management: What happens when your boss is a robot? (in Norwegian and English)